1 private IFeatureWorkspace pWorkspaceSDE;//定义SDE工作空间 2 public FrmDataExport() 3 { 4 InitializeComponent(); 5 if (pWorkspaceSDE == null) 6 { 7 //获取工作空间的一个实例 8 pWorkspaceSDE = MapOperation.GetFeatrueWorkspace(); 9 } 10 }
1 ///2 /// 列出所有的表信息 3 /// 4 /// 5 /// 6 private void FrmDataExport_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 7 { 8 SqlHelper sh = new SqlHelper(); 9 string sql = string.Empty; 10 sql = "select table_name,table_mapname,type from jcsjk_layer l,jcsjk_element e where " 11 + "e.id=l.pid and e.category='地震矢量数据'"; 12 OracleDataReader odr = sh.ReturnDataReader(sql); 13 object[] obj = new object[4]; 14 while (odr.Read()) 15 { 16 obj[0] = false; 17 obj[1] = odr[0].ToString(); 18 obj[2] = odr[2].ToString(); 19 obj[3] = odr[1].ToString(); 20 dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); 21 } 22 comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex = 0; 23 }
1 ///2 /// 根据选择的导出数据格式打开相应的文件 3 /// 4 /// 5 /// 6 private void selectPathBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 7 { 8 //根据导出数据格式打开相应的文件 9 switch (comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex) 10 { 11 case 0: 12 { 13 FolderBrowserDialog folder = new FolderBrowserDialog(); 14 if (folder.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) 15 { 16 if (folder.SelectedPath != "") 17 { 18 selectPathTxt.Text = folder.SelectedPath; 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 break; 23 case 1: 24 { 25 OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); 26 ofd.Filter = "MDB文件(.mdb) | *.mdb"; 27 ofd.CheckFileExists = false; 28 29 if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) 30 { 31 32 if (ofd.FileName != "") 33 { 34 selectPathTxt.Text = ofd.FileName; 35 } 36 } 37 } 38 break; 39 default: 40 break; 41 } 42 }
1 ///2 /// 执行具体的导出功能 3 /// 4 /// 5 /// 6 private void exportBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 7 { 8 if (selectPathTxt.Text == "") 9 { 10 MessageBox.Show("请选择导出路劲"); 11 return; 12 } 13 IWorkspaceFactory pWF = null; 14 switch (comboBoxEx1.SelectedIndex) 15 { 16 case 0: 17 { 18 if (!File.Exists(selectPathTxt.Text)) 19 { 20 21 } 22 //创建一个输出shp文件的工作空间 23 pWF = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass(); 24 IFeatureWorkspace pFW = pWF.OpenFromFile(selectPathTxt.Text, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace; 25 IWorkspace pW = pFW as IWorkspace; 26 27 for (int i = 0; i < dataGridViewX1.Rows.Count; ++i) 28 { 29 if (bool.Parse(dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString())) 30 { 31 if (dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString() != "PA") 32 { 33 string str = dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); 34 MapOperation.ConvertFeatureClass(pWorkspaceSDE as IWorkspace, 35 pW, str, str, 4326); 36 } 37 else 38 { 39 MessageBox.Show("属性表不能够导出为Shape文件"); 40 } 41 } 42 } 43 MessageBox.Show("导出数据完成!"); 44 } 45 break; 46 case 1: 47 { 48 // Instantiate an Access workspace factory and create a new personal geodatabase. 49 pWF = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass(); 50 IWorkspaceName pWN = pWF.Create(Path.GetDirectoryName(selectPathTxt.Text), 51 Path.GetFileName(selectPathTxt.Text),null, 0); 52 53 // Cast the workspace name object to the IName interface and open the workspace. 54 IName pN = (IName)pWN; 55 IWorkspace pW = (IWorkspace)pN.Open(); 56 57 for (int i = 0; i < dataGridViewX1.Rows.Count; ++i) 58 { 59 if (bool.Parse(dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString())) 60 { 61 string str = dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); 62 if (dataGridViewX1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString() != "PA") 63 { 64 MapOperation.ConvertFeatureClass(pWorkspaceSDE as IWorkspace, 65 pW, str, str, 4326); 66 } 67 else 68 { 69 ITable pSourceT = pWorkspaceSDE.OpenTable(str); 70 IFeatureWorkspace pFW = pW as IFeatureWorkspace; 71 ITable pTargetT = pFW.CreateTable(str, pSourceT.Fields, null, null, ""); 72 FusedIndexTable(ref pSourceT, ref pTargetT); 73 } 74 } 75 } 76 MessageBox.Show("导出数据完成!"); 77 } 78 break; 79 default: 80 break; 81 } 82 }
1 ///2 /// 如果目的数据库中已经有表,则将新的记录追加进去 3 /// 4 /// 导出表 5 /// 导入表 6 private void FusedIndexTable(ref ITable FromTable, ref ITable ToTable) 7 { 8 if (FromTable == null || ToTable == null) 9 { 10 return; 11 } 12 IRow pFromRow; 13 ICursor pToCursor, pFromCursor; 14 IRowBuffer pToRowBuffer; 15 int pIndex; 16 17 pToRowBuffer = ToTable.CreateRowBuffer(); 18 pToCursor = ToTable.Insert(true); 19 pFromCursor = FromTable.Search(null, false); 20 pFromRow = pFromCursor.NextRow(); 21 while (pFromRow != null) 22 { 23 for (int i = 0; i < pFromRow.Fields.FieldCount; i++) 24 { 25 pIndex = pToRowBuffer.Fields.FindField(pFromRow.Fields.get_Field(i).Name.Trim()); 26 if (pFromRow.Fields.get_Field(i).Editable && pIndex > -1) 27 { 28 pToRowBuffer.set_Value(pIndex, pFromRow.get_Value(i)); 29 } 30 } 31 32 pToCursor.InsertRow(pToRowBuffer); 33 pFromRow = pFromCursor.NextRow(); 34 } 35 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pToCursor); 36 pFromRow = null; 37 pFromCursor = null; 38 pToRowBuffer = null; 39 }